People ask me all the time how I can possibly let the cats I work with go. Aren't I tempted to keep them? How can I love them and let them move on to other places? Doesn't it make me sad?
Yes, the answer is yes to all those questions. I LOVE the cats I work with, and of course the temptation is always there, niggling in the back of my mind..... You should keep this one, it's extra special..... But the reality is, I have enough of my own cats, and I made a commitment to them. To give them love, and attention, and vet care. I COULD keep every cat I love, but then I would be doing the cats I have a grave injustice. That's only the first reason, but definitely the most important. My fur-babies are with me for life, and I can't do anything that would compromise their health or happiness. Having visitors come through for a while is one thing, loading myself up with cats is another. I do understand on some level, though, how people can turn into cat hoarders. That being said, it's all about the cats, and to be perfectly honest, many of the cats I work with are fine with me temporarily, but need the opportunity to shine in their OWN homes... be the center of attention, be the queen or king bee of their realm. In my house, the thrones that were available are already taken.
It does make me sad, though, for a while, when the ones I care about are ready to leave. We invest so much time and energy into making them well again, helping them to be happy. That of course, creates a bond that is indescribable. When a terrified cat finally opens up and reaches out to engage you, there is no feeling in the world like it. The level of trust placed in your hands at that moment is an honor, and often hard-won. At the same time, though, there comes a point when you realize that you've done all you can for them, and that it's time for them to move on with their life. To have the life they deserve, and for you to move on and help others who can't help themselves.
Today is one of those days. Two cats will be leaving us to move on to find forever homes, today. Bobby, the lovely Pixie Bob we rescued last week. This guy is a TOTAL lover. No behavioral issues, he just had some worms and needed to be neutered. Dewormed, neutered, this gorgeous gentle giant was already ready to move on and be someone's loverboy. I like him, and I enjoyed him the short time he was with us, but he is definitely ready. However, the second one DOES make me sad and happy at the same time.
Lomasi is ready. It's almost unbelievable to say that..... there were many times I thought that she would never be solid enough to move on to a forever home. But now, she's come so far. She still acts a little skittish around loud noises - that will probably always happen - but she is interactive, cuddly, loving, moves around the house confidently, plays like a fiend..... There is absolutely nothing more that we can do to help her. She's ready to move on and find her forever home. It's bittersweet to some extent, because we will MISS her. She's such a bright shining light, so loving, and a perfect example of animal's ability to bounce back from trauma. But it's time. It's going to be like saying goodbye to a beloved relative who lives far away. She and I will always have a bond, and I will always know that myself and my family have made a difference in her life. We have that bond that comes of being the ones to build trust again, to show them love again, to allow them to blossom. That always makes it worth it. And I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, she is going to make someone the most lovely companion that they could ever ask for. She's going to go into someone's home and fill it with love, affection, gentle love-nibbles, and entertaining play. She deserves to be someone's princess. I'm excited for the next chapter in her life..
When she's gone, I will still have Trade and Wind to work with (more updates on them to come), but Lomasi is one of those EXTRA special cats. She has that little bit extra that will make her memorable for the rest of my life. All the best to you, little one, as you start your journey to the rest of your life. Know we love you, and that you will always have a place here if it's needed. I hope beyond hope it's never needed.
If you think you would like to give Lomasi a forever home, or the handsome, gentle Bobby, contact Neveah's Charity of West Lincoln. Their Facebook is and they will let everyone know there what stores these cats will be at to meet. Signing off and wiping a tear from my eye...
Thank you to you and your family for opening up your home and hearts to this sweet girl. And thank you for all your hard work in bringing out the best in her. Lomasi, I wish you all the best in your journey...may you be blessed with a wonderful home. Take care wee one and continue to play until your little heart is content! :-)