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Wednesday, 7 May 2014

SWAMPED...but pleased...

I've been too busy to blog lately, so much going on, but I figured I'd post an update so people understand why I'm quiet.  I do have a few long posts in me, but definitely not right now!  Some quick updates:

-Lomasi is off at PetValu and is a darling.  She's settled in fine and isn't a bit scared.  Bobby has settled into his PetValu location as well, and both have adoption interest!  Here's to them finding forever homes!

-Bianca and her white kittens have been separated.  They are pretty much weaned anyways, she needs her milk to dry up so she can be spayed, but she already has a forever home waiting for when she's ready!

-Trade and Wind have made AMAZING progress!  Trade is a little lover who adores being pet, and isn't afraid to yell at you if you aren't petting him THAT VERY SECOND!  He's fixed, and literally is ready to go.   Wind had a bit of a URI, so she has to get past that and get spayed before she can move on, but aside from a little skittishness (which lessens every day), she's essentially ready, too!

We have a new challenge... a mom who was listed as "feral" who gave birth at animal control.  The poor thing was trapped, then had her babies the next day!  She was marked as feral, and there was a good chance she and her babies would have been "marked", but the amazing Lori to the rescue pulled them, and they are now with me.  Mom is ABSOLUTELY terrified, not feral at all, if you ask me, but that's not all that surprising.  She has had some pretty traumatic experiences and has had no reason to trust humans for a long time.   We've got her in a quiet room to herself, and we visit regularly and talk quietly to her.  But she will definitely need some extra time, with the trigger of her newborn kittens being there will make her that much more defensive that much faster.  It should be an interesting challenge, getting her to trust us WHILE working to ensure the kittens are socialized to humans and able to get into forever homes.  Still sort of formulating a plan with this one, observing her, working slowly most of all, but I know there's hope.  She doesn't have mean eyes, and much of her body language and communication is that of fear and terror, not of anger or aggression.  I will see if I can't get some pictures of her and her adorable little babies, and post an update later this week.....

And if anyone wonders why I've been busy.. yeesh!

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